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 Legal Disclaimer 

The following information provides a general overview of what Terms and Conditions are and how they are used in relation to our website. However, it is important to note that this information should not be relied upon as legal advice. We strongly recommend seeking professional legal advice to ensure your T&C accurately reflect your specific business needs.

 What are Terms and Conditions? 

As a design journalist, it is important to ensure our website operates within legal boundaries. Our Terms and Conditions (T&C) outline the legal relationship between our website visitors and us, as the website owner. They are intended to protect both parties and establish clear guidelines for how our website can be used.

 What should be included in T&C? 

T&C should be tailored to the specific needs of each website, and may cover a range of topics including, but not limited to: user eligibility, payment and refunds, intellectual property rights, user-generated content, and website usage guidelines. As a design journalist, it is important to ensure our T&C accurately reflect our business practices and protect us from legal exposure. For more information on creating effective T&C, please refer to our article “Creating Terms and Conditions for your Design Journalism Website”.

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